Welcome to the Klein Fertility Law Blog: Exciting News & Updates from Our Team

Welcome to the new Klein Fertility Law Blog! Our firm is very excited to provide clients with a go-to resource for the topics that are essential to those using third-party reproduction services like gestational surrogacy to build their families. Working with a surrogate, whether through an agency or through other means, is certainly a process, one that requires guidance and experienced support – both are readily provided by Falletta and Klein’s preeminent legal team.
Family formation law
We have provided our clients with more than 30 years of fertility law experience as the leading law firm in southern California. This puts Klein Fertility Law in a prime position to ensure that our clients are able to transition as quickly as possible from navigating to completing a surrogacy agreement. We know that you’ve already endured a wait for family building to begin – whether due to a fertility issue or as part of an LGBT couple or as a single parent. Our role is to provide the quality service and security our clients deserve so they can move forward within their time line.
Modern family building and the law
Staying informed about changes to modern family building – legal progress included – can help future parents who are facing the unique challenges that assisted reproductive technology often presents. The world of assisted reproductive care is complex, especially when you are new to it, so having trusted resources in place to answer questions and provide up-to-date information is essential.
Stay in touch with us on social media
One of the best ways to stay up to date on fertility formation law as well as news from our firm is to follow Klein Fertility Law on social media. Like and follow our social media platforms to keep in touch. You can find us on:
We’ll be linking to new blog posts each month via the social media platforms listed above, so please be sure to check in so you never miss a blog post.
Our social media platforms are a great way to learn about upcoming events Klein Fertility Law will attend, including conferences about third-party reproduction services like gestational surrogacy and egg donation.
Do you have questions about family formation law? Contact Klein Fertility Law today (619-235-8913).
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